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I started this collection in high school, and it has continued well into college. I've had fun collecting the Eevees, as there is always something new. While it may be a while before I can complete this collection (all the expensive cards are all I need of course), I fully intend to complete it someday in the hopefully near future. Ordering cards always gives me something to look forward to and the collection as a whole is something I can be proud of because I worked so hard to achieve this goal (patience was key).

I hope others feel the same way and never let social situations dictate whether or not they collect something they love. Why? Because who cares that's why. If it makes you happy, do it regardless of what others think of you! There is no greater sadness for me than when people forego there own happiness because others don't think something is "cool" enough and are afraid of being social outcasts. Those who are your true friends won't care what you collect and will support you no matter what. As for the people who do make fun of you, why would you want to be friends with them anyways if they only put you down about something you love?

About me and my collection

Eeveelution art by EvolifanNo1

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